Tuesday, April 8, 2014

A Trip to the Mechanic

True to my word, and my new resolve, I am posting on Tuesdays with some new information I have learned about writing children's picture books. I have been participating in RhyPiBoMo and have been reading so much in and about rhyme,  I thought I would do something completely different here. I have been trying to learn more about the pacing of PB's. Here are some sources I found helpful.

Miranda Paul's blog post- A Peek at Pacing: 12 Picture Books I Love is a fun look at the pacing techniques used in 12 PBs. It's a great read. She also wrote about storyboarding if having something visual/tangible helps with the pacing process.

Diane Muldrow addressed the topic from an editor's viewpoint in Aug. 2011 on the SCBWI official conference blog.

Tara Lazar has a helpful post about picture book dummies and picture book construction.

I must admit that I have tried making dummies, marked page breaks in my manuscripts and read whatever I can find on pacing. I still don't know if I'm on the right track!

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