A bit about me and my work

 I recently filled out an application that asked for a more fun, less traditional bio, so here it is...

I was born and raised in Connecticut, the bookish big sister to a mischievous younger brother. In high school, a career aptitude test suggested that my ideal occupation was a forest ranger, perhaps a reflection of my summers spent in the Adirondack mountains. Instead, I have had many other jobs: teacher, speech pathologist, library clerk and STEM program presenter and children’s writer. After raising two children with my husband, I’ve come full circle to embrace my inner forest ranger and I volunteer as a master wildlife conservationist through the state Dept. of Environmental Protection. We’ve moved to a house at the end of a dirt road in the woods of MA where I spend my time writing, hiking, drinking tea and enjoying the view. I have a stories published in children’s magazines and I am eager to graduate to the next level.

 And here is some more traditional info about me and about my blog. WELCOME!

You will find here an eclectic mix of information, all of which speaks to my passions...writing, nature and teaching. I have published articles in children's magazines, completed a Master Wildlife Conservationist program through our state DEEP, and worked in public schools as a speech/language pathologist.

Professional Affiliations:
~Member of the Society of Children's Book writers and Illustrators
~Certified Professional Educator in Speech/Language Pathology and PreK-Grade8
~Licensed by the Connecticut Dept. of Health
~Member of American Speech/Language/Hearing Assoc.


Twas the Last Night of August, Fun For Kidz, September 2019
10 Fun Facts About Squirrels, Hopscotch, October 2013
Eech, A Leech! Boys' Quest, April 2011
Hair Raising Facts, Clubhouse Jr., February 2011
Rainbow Beach, Turtle, July/August 2010
Not Just Horsing Around, Hopscotch, April 2010.
Which Cat? Fun For Kidz, 2010
Oh, Deere! Boys' Quest, Aug. 2010
Put Their Best Foot Forward, Highlights for Children, Feb 2009
Lights Out! Clubhouse Jr., February 2009
Nature's Fisherman, KidZone, Fall 2008
Get your Yard Humming, KidZone, Winter 2008
Catch Some ZZZ's, Child's Digest, May/June 2008
Twas the Last Night of August, Fun For Kidz, September 2007.
What’s For Lunch? Hopscotch, April 2007.
Cheers for Ears, Focus on the Family Clubhouse Jr., Nov. 2006
So You Want to be a Luger, Three Leaping Frogs, Nov/Dec. 2004
The ‘Me’ Tree, Story Friends, Sept. 2004
Energy Unplugged, Three Leaping Frogs, Mar/Apr. 2004
Bug Bones, Three Leaping Frogs, May/June 2004
Latch on to Leeches, www.youngbucksoutdoors, Fall 2003
The Midnight Ride of Sybil, Dear, Three Leaping Frogs, June/July 2003
Jingles, Calliope (pub. by MENSA Writers’ SIG) May/June 2003

Thirty Ideas and Counting!!