Friday, August 9, 2019

Friday Favorites- Mentor Texts- Diary/Letter

Friday Favorites-Mentor Texts-Diary/Letter format

I'd been looking for mentor texts written in the form of letters or diary entries when I stumbled upon these jewels. They each use the unique format to give their characters a strong voice. Charmingly illustrated, they are fun reads that might work well with writing activities at home or in school. The two diaries have also inspired sequels.
Image result for dear dragon josh funk
Dear Dragon by Josh Funk, Illus. by Rodolfo Montalvo
Image result for good night bat good morning squirrel
Good Night, Bat! Good Morning, Squirrel! By Paul Meisel

Image result for diary of a spider
Diary of a Spider by Doreen Cronin, Illus. by Harry Bliss
Image result for diary of a wombat
Diary of a Wombat by Jackie French, Illus. by Bruce Whately

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