Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Great First Lines in KidLit

Just for fun, can you name the children's classic that starts with each of these first lines?
And what do they all have in common?

1- "Where's Papa going with that axe?"

2- "The first place that I can well remember was a large pleasant meadow with a pond of clear water in it."

 3- "All children, except one, grow up."

 4- "This is George. He lived in Africa."

 5- "Chug, chug, chug. Puff, puff, puff. Ding-dong, ding-dong."

They take you in to the story immediately, no setting a scene or "once upon a time"! Do they all leave you wanting more?

In case you didn't know the answer-
1-Charlotte's Web by E.B.White
2-Black Beauty by Anna Sewell
3-Peter Pan by J.M.Barrie
4- Curious George by H.A.Rey
5- The Little Engine that Could by Watty Piper

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