Saturday, June 14, 2014

What Fun!

This is so much fun. After critiquing a rhyming story of mine for RhyPoIdMo, Maria Cuesta did this watercolor of the main character which she was generous enough to share with me, all the way from Spain! Thanks Maria!

Thursday, June 12, 2014

View From the Circ Desk, Part 2

Here's what's hot in the children's library for May/June:

Biographies- local classrooms are doing reports on "people who inspire you".
Gardening- the garden club has a children's garden and they have been sending children to the library to look for gardening books.
Summer topics
Summer reading lists- the librarian compiles a recommended summer reading list that goes home with all the school children

Tuesday, June 3, 2014

2014 Kids Summer Reading List

Horn Book came out their kidlit summer reading list! It was posted on metro Time to hit the hammock with a good book.

2014 Kids Summer Reading List

Thirty Ideas and Counting!!